Monday, March 29, 2010

What do you drink?

There's a lot of talk (read: snobbery) among beer people about what makes a good beer and what is and isn't worth drinking.

I'm sitting on the couch tonight with a Heineken, thinking that this is a beer I would probably never buy for myself (it's a leftover from a get together we had over the weekend). I have to admit, though, it's decently refreshing. As mass-marketed lagers go, you could do far worse. And I'd choose Heineken over Sam Adams any day, because I just don't like Sam Adams.

The thing is, I have better beers sitting in the fridge. I also have Smirnoff Ice and Mike's Lemonade that have been there since Thanksgiving and will not get touched until the person who brought them over visits again. If pressed, I would definitely call myself a beer snob. (I've already gone on record saying lambics are girly.) But good beer is expensive. Some people just can't spend 10 bucks on a 6 pack twice a week. And some can, but don't want to.

And you know what? When I opened the fridge today, the Heineken just sounded good. So there.

All of this leads me to my questions:

1. What's in your fridge right now? (I mean beer. You don't have to list the full contents of your fridge. And no cheating. This is a scientific survey, not a contest for biggest beer snob).

2. If money was no object, would your answer to #1 be different?

3. For regular, weeknight, sitting-in-front-of-the-TV drinking, what's your go-to?

4. If you're going out to eat, what kind of beer do you order?

5. If you're having a big party, and are stocking large quantities of bottled beer, what do you buy?

6. If you're having a keg party, what do you buy?

7. If you're having a small dinner party (say under 8 people), what kind of beer do you serve?

8. If you're at someone else's party, and their tastes run more toward Busch and Natty Light, what will you drink willingly, and what will you not touch no matter how much fun everyone else is having?

9. Does cost factor in your beer purchasing decisions? If so, what would you buy if it wasn't?

Leave your answers in comments. I'll post mine later, so as not to influence responses.


Anonymous said...

1. What's in your fridge right now? (I mean beer. You don't have to list the full contents of your fridge. And no cheating. This is a scientific survey, not a contest for biggest beer snob).


2. If money was no object, would your answer to #1 be different?


3. For regular, weeknight, sitting-in-front-of-the-TV drinking, what's your go-to?


4. If you're going out to eat, what kind of beer do you order?


5. If you're having a big party, and are stocking large quantities of bottled beer, what do you buy?


6. If you're having a keg party, what do you buy?

Miller Lite / Guinness for me!

7. If you're having a small dinner party (say under 8 people), what kind of beer do you serve?


8. If you're at someone else's party, and their tastes run more toward Busch and Natty Light, what will you drink willingly, and what will you not touch no matter how much fun everyone else is having?

Ah hell, I'd suffer through anything, but could possibly take a ride to get some Guinness!

9. Does cost factor in your beer purchasing decisions? If so, what would you buy if it wasn't?


Hannah said...

1. Sisyphus 2007, DFH Raison D'etre, Fireman's 4 Blonde Ale, Russian River Damnation, Genny Bock

2. Yes - I'd probably add some Goose Island Bourbon County Stout or a few more bottles of DFH World Wide Stout.

3. Guinness

4. Any craft beer that's on tap... if there are any craft beers on tap.

5. Guinness and Blue Light

6. Anything local that everyone at the party would dig, so it depends on the guests.

7. Beer that matches well with the food I'm serving; probably DFH or Southern Tier.

8. I won't drink Busch. That takes me back to high school. I'll drink Blue Light or Molson Canadian if I must.

9. Cost doesn't factor much, but it should, haha

Lost said...

1. A ton of stuff. It's all technically in the China cabinet though. The wife won't let me fill the fridge. (You can see the full list on my site)

2. Only slightly. I'd shop in the expensive section more, but I wouldn't go crazy.

3. I don't have one! I like the spice of life.

4. If there is a beer I've never tried, I always order that.

5. It's always different. Usually big mixed 12 packs.

6. I've never had a Keg party!

7. Anything craft. Preferably something none of us has tried so we can do a review!

8. Corona is the only thing I won't drink.

9. Is this different from #2? :)


Sean Nordquist said...

1. Right now only homebrew. i finished my Sierra Nevada Pale Ale last night

2. Vastly, yes.

3. Could be anything, really. SN Pal, SN Torpedo, Dale's Pale...

4. Depends on the selection and what i am eating, but I tend towards pales and IPAs.

5. I usually go for the sampler packs that have a variety of styles. Sam Adams, Harpoon, Heavy Seas... they all make good bulk purchases.

6. Have actually never had a keg party. If I did, I would probably go local and get something from Cigar City.

7. Again, depends on the meal, but probably a pale ale or a crisp pilsner.

8. I will admit to liking PBR in a bottle and cold. Otherwise, I will quickly decide to either be the designated driver or drink cocktails like rum and coke.

9. Of course. And if it didn't, I would literally buy at least one of everything so i could try them all. Then go back and stock up on the ones I liked.

Unknown said...

- PBR!
- Harpoon IPA
- 4 different Dogfish Head (variety pack)
- DFH Burton Baton
- A basket-full of 750mL import/craft beers
- A few homebrews (espresso porter, Belgian white, red bock, blueberry)

Probably not much different (though I used to buy more half-cases of local stuff, which still happens every now and then)

Anything in a 12oz can or bottle (usually a PBR, High Life, Sam, Harpoon, etc)

I try to get something I haven't had before, otherwise something medium to full-bodied (sometimes depends on the food)

Usually a case or two of Sam (lager or seasonal) or Harpoon (IPA or UFO) and then one or two different cases for variety (maybe Magic Hat, DFH, Victory, etc)

Never bought a keg, but when someone asks for my input, I'll usually just ask for something that's easily drinkable that has wide appeal.

I ask what people want from my fridge.

I'll drink just about anything (though I typically avoid light beers if there's another option).

Not so much, though if it starts crossing the $20 border for a half-case or a 750mL bottle, I tend to start looking at other options.

roadtripsforbeer said...

1. What's in your fridge right now? (I mean beer. You don't have to list the full contents of your fridge. And no cheating. This is a scientific survey, not a contest for biggest beer snob).

Abita Jockhamo IPA, Great Divide Hades and a couple of bottles of Wernesgruner, a German beer from discount grocery store Aldi. The latter is pretty undrinkable and we use it for cooking.

2. If money was no object, would your answer to #1 be different?

I would probably have those same beers, but also some different ones.

3. For regular, weeknight, sitting-in-front-of-the-TV drinking, what's your go-to?

Whatever's in the fridge, though I lean toward Newcastle or Corona for my "day-to-day" beer when either is on sale at the grocery store.

4. If you're going out to eat, what kind of beer do you order?

If there is craft beer on tap, I'll order whichever strikes my fancy. Otherwise, the best selections in more restaurants near my home are in the Sam Adams-Newcastle-Killians family. If Guinness is available, that's also an option.

5. If you're having a big party, and are stocking large quantities of bottled beer, what do you buy?

Depends who's coming. Usually buy up some Corona, Michelob Light and maybe a few six-packs of the good stuff for those friends who care about such things. I'd also have an assortment of wine and cocktail offerings for the non-beer drinkers. And of course, water and soda for designated drivers.

6. If you're having a keg party, what do you buy?

Been quite a while since I hosted a kegger. I'd like to think I'd seek out some good craft brew, but in reality, it would probably be Michelob.

7. If you're having a small dinner party (say under 8 people), what kind of beer do you serve?

Something that goes with the food being served. I'd probably serve some good wine with dinner, though.

8. If you're at someone else's party, and their tastes run more toward Busch and Natty Light, what will you drink willingly, and what will you not touch no matter how much fun everyone else is having?

No Natty Light. I can sip on some Busch if that's all there is, but I'll likely have brought my own beer anyhow.

9. Does cost factor in your beer purchasing decisions? If so, what would you buy if it wasn't?

Yes it does. If it didn't, I would probably buy a lot more Cigar City products.

Unknown said...

1. What's in your fridge right now?

Stoudts Belgian Triple
Dogfishhead 90
Corona (leftover from party)
Sierra Nevada Glissade
Blue Moon (from a party)
Sam Adams Winterfest
Westvleteren 12 (for very very very special occasions)

2. If money was no object, would your answer to #1 be different?

Yes - I would fly to Belgium with an empty suitcase and bring back my favorite Trappists.

3. For regular, weeknight, sitting-in-front-of-the-TV drinking, what's your go-to?
Sierra Nevada or Dogfishhead

4. If you're going out to eat, what kind of beer do you order?
Sam Adams or Old Dominion (here in VA).

5. If you're having a big party, and are stocking large quantities of bottled beer, what do you buy?

Sam Adams + something light for the girls.

6. If you're having a keg party, what do you buy?
I dont.

7. If you're having a small dinner party (say under 8 people), what kind of beer do you serve?

Sierra, Corona (for the ladies), maybe a micro IPA

8. If you're at someone else's party, and their tastes run more toward Busch and Natty Light, what will you drink willingly, and what will you not touch no matter how much fun everyone else is having?

I will choke down a Bud now and then, but if the choice really sucks, I'll just have wine.

9. Does cost factor in your beer purchasing decisions? If so, what would you buy if it wasn't?


Jay Zeis said...

1. I have a bottle of DFH Fort that I need to open and the last of my Nugget Nectar.

2. Yes. I would have a separate fridge filled with a million different beers, and a lifetime supply of Nugget Nectar.

3. Yuengling and DFH 60 Minute, or some random beer that I grabbed in a mixed sixer

4. Whatever I am in the mood for. Whether it is a Yuengling or Belgian or some beer I never heard of, I pretend all food and beer go together.

5. Yuengling (but I am the friend that always brings a mixed 6 or two for the group to share.)

6. Yuengling... it is what we all drink and love

7. Usually a Belgian, a local, and Yuengling.

8. A free beer is always a delicious beer.

9. It does, I would buy everything if it didnt matter. I love to try all styles (except smoke beers, well i would get those too)