Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Answers

Thanks everyone for the answers to the survey! And by all means, if you haven't had a chance to respond yet, please do.

As promised, here are my answers.

1. What's in your fridge right now? (I mean beer. You don't have to list the full contents of your fridge. And no cheating. This is a scientific survey, not a contest for biggest beer snob).

I have one Red Hook Long Hammer IPA, one Mendocino Spring Seasonal Bock, and one Kona Brewing Co Pipeline Porter.  Clearly it's time for a beer run. I also have the aforementioned Mike's Lemonade and Smirnoff Ice, but those don't count because I have no intention of drinking them. Finally, I have 2 cases each of homebrewed Pilsner and Cream Ale. Those aren't in the fridge, though.

2. If money was no object, would your answer to #1 be different?
I don't think so. In my recent effort to always try something new, I've paid a lot less attention to price than I normally would.

3. For regular, weeknight, sitting-in-front-of-the-TV drinking, what's your go-to?
My husband and I usually keep Lagunitas IPA and Guinness around. I'll typically have one of those, or whatever we happen to have the most of. I'm also a fan of light, crisp lagers, especially in warmer weather. So I may start keeping Pilsner Urquells or Warsteiners around.

4. If you're going out to eat, what kind of beer do you order?
I gravitate toward imperial stouts or strong IPAs. If those aren't available I'll take whatever craft beer is on draft. If that's not available, I go with wine or liquor.

5. If you're having a big party, and are stocking large quantities of bottled beer, what do you buy?
We'll generally get a case of Sierra Nevada, a few six packs of various craft beers, and 6-8 big bottles of Duvel and Chimay.

6. If you're having a keg party, what do you buy?

7. If you're having a small dinner party (say under 8 people), what kind of beer do you serve?
Same as 5, but we skip the Sierra Nevada and probably grab only 3-5 big bottles.

8. If you're at someone else's party, and their tastes run more toward Busch and Natty Light, what will you drink willingly, and what will you not touch no matter how much fun everyone else is having?
My dad and father-in-law are both Busch drinkers, though my dad's tastes have turned more toward Corona in recent years. I'll drink Corona only when there's lime available, and I'll have a Busch every now and then just for fun. I won't touch Coors Light, but I'll drink Bud or Miller in emergencies.

9. Does cost factor in your beer purchasing decisions? If so, what would you buy if it wasn't?
Brickskeller in DC has a beer on their menu that costs $148. I want it. In general though we buy what we like and not what's cheapest.