Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Another Awesome Blog

Do you like food? Are you constantly on the search for fun recipes, great restaurants, and all-around interesting information about eating? My friend, Heather, runs the blog Devouring DC, which is--wait for it--a food blog based in our nation's capital. She writes about her own cooking adventures as well as area restaurants. If you happen to be living in or visiting DC, you need to check out her restaurant reviews. But even if you're not from the DC area, you'll find plenty of awesome stuff to read about over there. For example: Why do my teeth feel funny when I eat spinach?, and How can I get more bacon in my alcohol?

Heather is a fantastic cook, so when she posts a recipe, you have to try it. Believe me, I've eaten enough of her food to know you can't go wrong. And if you ask nicely, she may just start posting pictures of her adorable doggies (happy birthday, Lelu!).


DevouringDC said...

awww, thanks for the shout out! you rock! Lelu says thank you as well! She was just grunting at me to help her into "her chair". She can clear a 5 1/2' fence w/out a running start but the living room chair is a challenge

Christy said...

Herbert hasn't realized her jumping capabilities yet (we're hoping she never does). I've seen her jump onto the couch without a problem, but she'd much rather struggle and wait for me to help her.