Thursday, March 25, 2010

Kona Brewing Company Pipeline Porter

We're not going to talk about Syracuse. We're not.

Instead, we're going to talk about the only thing that could soften a blow like that: beer.

I sat down to enjoy(?) the game with a Pipeline Porter. My local grocery store has a very limited selection of craft beers, and this one was by far the most interesting. It's brewed with 100% Kona Coffee, which in my opinion is some of the best coffee around. Here's what I thought:

Appearance - Very dark, nearly opaque brown, with hints of scarlet when held to the light. There's almost no head on this, which I generally consider a disappointment with dark beers.

Scent - The coffee aroma is unmistakable, and wonderful. Other than that, there's a hint of sweet maltyness and little else.

Taste - Again, lots of coffee. The flavor really hits at the back of the throat. Still, the malts come through enough that I don't feel like I'm drinking a flavored beer.

Mouthfeel - Full bodied. It's smooth, almost creamy with very little carbonation.

Drinkablility - I'll be 3 deep by the time this post publishes. It's good for relaxing in front of the TV after dinner. Not necessarily something you want to drink with a meal or in a hard-partying environment.