Friday, March 26, 2010

The bottling adventure begins

I started the day with the lofty goal of getting at least one of my two first batches of beer into bottles. My puppy and my husband had other plans.

I got as far as washing every beer bottle in my house, and sticking almost half of them in the dishwasher to sanitize. Then Herbert decided to go insane. She dragged. her. crate. all over the kitchen. Every time I put it back she'd wrap her fangs around a corner and drag. Even peanut butter--normally puppy crack--was ineffective.

Once I thought I finally had her settled down, my husband called and asked if I wanted to meet him for dinner. I never say no to food I don't have to cook. We went to an awesome Korean restaurant; the kind of place where they fill your table with kimchi and other fermented appetizers to the point that you're stuffed by the time your entree arrives.

We had OB beer with dinner, mostly because it was our only choice. It's a pretty nondescript lager, decent for washing down spicy food. The only noteworthy thing about it was that they served me a 22 oz bottle with a tiny little 8 ouch glass. It was delightful, like drinking apple juice at grandma's house.

When we got home, Herbert had somehow managed to move her crate while she was locked inside. Needless to say, I spent the rest of the evening watching her expend energy. She's finally asleep, but it's way too late for me to start bottling. The dishwasher has not been opened, so my bottles will still be sterile in the morning.