Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lagunitas Maximus

I picked this one up figuring we needed a slight change from the usual Lagunitas IPA that I buy on a weekly basis. I figured it would be similar, but a little more hoppy and a lot more alcohol-y. I was right on both fronts. 

Appearance - Golden amber; very clear, with a strong 1-finger head that stuck around for a few minutes.

Aroma - Surprisingly mild. It was Hoppy, but with a good balance of sweet malts.There's the citrus quality that you expect with a good IPA.

Taste - Definitely citrusy, with a sweet aftertaste from the malt. Hops aren't overpowering, but they're definitely there.

Mouthfeel - Smoothness similar to carmels melting in your mouth (a little oily). Carbonated enough that there's a little tingle on the back and sides of the tongue.

Drinkability - In all fairness, this review directly followed the Runitation, so anything would taste mild in comparison. I do think this could is sessionable, and I'll definitely be adding it to the regular rotation. I swear Lagunitas isn't paying me, but at this point I want a job there.

Sorry for the quick post tonight. I'm packing up to leave for my little brother's wedding. We have quite the fun-filled weekend ahead of us. However, my brother and his soon-to-be wife aren't big beer drinkers (unless you count Bud Light), so there likely won't be much opportunity for reviewing or posting. I'll be back on Monday.