Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Home Again

So, while I was away, it looks like some of my rough tasting notes got published. Oops. I deleted them, and will post the actual reviews this week.

It's been a slow beer week. My brother's wedding was awesome, but if it lacked in one area it was beer selection. I spent Saturday night drinking a lot of Jack and Diet. And I mean A LOT. After that, I was ready to take a break from drinking for a few days. Maybe I'll start up again tomorrow.

I did manage to crack open a few bottles of the homebrew. I brought a bottle each of the Pils and the Cream Ale with me to the wedding, mostly because I wanted to show off to my dad.

It got a glowing review from him. I quote, "This tastes like real beer. It lacks the cinnamon and sh1t taste of most homebrews I've had."

My dad doesn't know a lot of people who homebrew, but apparently the ones he does know specialize in flavored beers. I'm going to have to whip up a batch of mint chocolate stout just to mess with him.

But seriously. The Pils, which was expected to be a major disaster, is actually drinkable. It does have a chemically aftertaste that I'm not too pleased with, but on the whole it's alright. The Cream Ale I'd rate as pretty good based on the few sips I've had. Since the bottles got passed around a fair amount, I haven't really had a chance to do a fair assessment of either. So I guess that's coming up this week too.

And I just realized this is one big post of procrastination. Such is my life, I suppose.